Opponent Stacksize Recognition for Full Tilt Added to Holdem Bot

Holdem Bot version 4.3.3 has been posted.

• Four new PPL variables added for opponent stacksize recognition at Full Tilt. These only work at Full Tilt and only  when not in OCR mode. At all other rooms, or when in OCR mode at Full Tilt, they will return a value of 0. They all work preflop or post-flop.

MaxOpponentStackSize – The number of big blinds that the opponent at your table with the largest stack has in his stack at the beginning of the hand (before blinds are posted). If there is only one opponent at your table this value will be the same as MinOpponentStackSize. Example: when maxopponentstacksize < 10 and stacksize > 25 raisemax force

MinOpponentStackSize – The number of big blinds that the opponent at your table with the smallest stack has in his stack at the beginning of the hand (before blinds are posted). If there is only one opponent at your table this value will be the same as MaxOpponentStackSize. Example: when minopponentstacksize > 10 and stacksize < 8 raisemax force

OpponentsWithHigherStack – the number of opponents at the table with a larger stack than the bot’s at the beginning of the hand (before blinds are posted). Example: when opponentswithhigherstack < 1 fold force

OpponentsWithLowerStack – the number of opponents at the table with a smaller stack than the bot’s at the beginning of the hand (before blinds are posted). Example: when opponentswithlowerstack >= 4 raisepot fold force

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